Jelena Dokić

Bivša teniserka prošle godine imala 120 kg, sada ima savršenu liniju

  • 05.08.2019. 16:44

Jelena se svojom nevjerovatnom transformacijom pohvalila na Instagramu, fotografijama sa ljetovanja iz Hrvatske. Ona je u oktobru prošle godine imala čak 120 kilograma, a danas izgleda kao na početku teniserske karijere.

Na fotografijama sa ljetovanja, bivša teniserka ne liči na sebe od prije nekoliko mjeseci. Jelena je pokazala savršenu liniju i izazvala mnogo pozitivnih komentara svojih pratilaca.

Inače, Jelena se znatno ugojila kada se povukla iz svijeta tenisa. Bila je nezadovoljna i utjehu je pronašla u hrani. Hranila se nezdravo što se odrazilo na njenu kilažu i izgled.

Svi su bili u šoku kada su vidjeli da se Jelena ugojila i da ima nevjerovatnih 120 kilograma. Jeleni nije bilo prijatno zbog negativnih komentara na račun njene kilaže, pa je riješila da promjeni režim ishrane i način života.

Riješila je da povrati nekadašnju kilažu i počela sa primjenom programa za mršavljenje, a na svom Instagram profilu objavljivala je fotografije na kojima se vidio očigledan napredak u gubljenju kilograma.


Transformation!!! This a 6 month progress before and after photo. Over 30 kgs lost and I am half way. My journey continues and I am very happy with what I have been able to achieve so far but there is still a lot of work to be done. I know that getting down to my optimal weight and losing the rest of the weight won’t be easy and it will get tougher from here as I get closer to my goal weight but I am extremely motivated and confident as I know I have @jennycraigausnz by my side and supporting me all the way. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone at @jennycraigausnz .Your support,care and understanding has helped me get this far and I am grateful for everything that the whole team at @jennycraigausnz has done to help me especially in the tough times. It’s a lot more than losing weight but also getting fit,healthy and most importantly happy. Even though I have been on @jennycraigausnz now for 6 months I still can’t believe how great the food is,how easy it is to prepare and having my own consultant is just incredible. @jennycraigausnz has changed my life and I would recommend the @jennycraigausnz program to everyone. Join me on my @jennycraigausnz journey now. Visit @jennycraigausnz or now and check out the LINK IN BIO to see more about my weight loss journey. I hope I have given you all some inspiration and motivation no matter what your goals are.It can all be done,just don’t give up and keep believing. 🙏💪😍🤸‍♀️🍲🥗🥙🍲🥗🥙 #jennycraigausnz #jennycraig #myjennycraigjourney #jennycraigjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #transformation #progress #weightlossjourney #health #healthy #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #fitness #inspiration #motivation #healthyfood #healthyeating #australia #melbourne #sydney #inspo #fitspo #healthylife #women #empoweringwomen #weightlossmotivation #lookoftheday #weightlossinspiration #inspire

A post shared by JELENA DOKIC 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) on May 16, 2019 at 3:04am PDT

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